Aphorisms for Composers – September 2018

September 19, 2018

All or some, but not none.

Sound Poem (to be “translated” to instrumental music, maybe)

Thwap. Kunk. Thwapthwap. Burdbilp. Uck. Plibthwap. Thwap. Stornt ‘n thwapthwap. Stipuckniddle Wat. Uttnthaddlethwapstunndernip.

Pinnerrstenerrundir Ott. Watwat. Zup! Deedlythwap. Sussurrippendeeth…

September 18, 2018

To state preferences yet remain open to their own evolution or destruction is the uniquely poised position the composer hopes to strike.

September 11, 2018

The more exigent the issue at hand, the more eloquent the composer hopes to become. Can one enter the fray, yet also step back?

September 2, 2018

‘Considerable motivation beyond’ is needed to sustain the composer—reasons beyond the piece-making process, beyond practice and performance, even beyond personal expressive needs…A sense of larger unknowns, paths without clear direction, moraines imperceptibly carrying materials to new edges.

Like we can be enchanted by meeting a new person, ‘meeting’ a new piece of music can also beguile. Re-enchanting and re-beguiling is rarer and more difficult.