
Book on TJ Anderson

Writing “Stirring Up the Music: The Life, Works, and Influence of Composer T(homas) J(efferson) Anderson” – a short study of one of the leading composers in the USA.
Forthcoming, Borik Press.

For more on the book, see Stirring Up the Music

Chronicling at the Keyboard

Collections of piano miniatures that attempt to chronicle some difficulties and joys of daily life through musical observation. Piano Albums 2005 to 2018.

Influences Across Time: New Approaches to Old Music

A program of contemporary music paired with the 16th and 17th century works that inspired them. It features recent compositions written by McDonald, including Rounce Robble Hobble, Op. 562, No. 22, Stillworth (Fa,Do,Mi), Op. 561, No.1, and Cosyn, Op. 429. No.22.

Spinning Melodies Like Silk

Translating the details of artificial spider silk’s structure into musical compositions

The music of the silks

Living Patterns

A collaboration between faculty and student composers at Tufts University, and Stephen Fuchs, assistant professor of biology, offering experimental music for piano and chamber combinations inspired by Fuchs’ research on repetitive protein combinations.

Protein sequences meet music at interdisciplinary performance of faculty, student compositions